Show Notes

09:51 Tuesday 12 December 2017 JST

I added a record 7 seconds of video in just 2 hours. Part of that was certainly due to fewer disparate things going on, not the least of which being that the stage was stopped from turning!

At this point:

  1. the cutter is just about to cut the excess support off the ramp base, after which the gluer will lift the base and glue the pieces to it.

2017 dec 12 about to cut ramp base

  1. Mr Reversable is kicking the big marble around to the ramp, up which it will be rolled back onto the stage.

2017 dec 12 pushing big marble

  1. Little brother is beginning to spin in circles on the topmost part of the track.

2017 dec 12 spinning on top

  1. Mr Green, Big brother, and the other guy are inspecting the area where the large marble went off the track.

2017 dec 12 inspecting problem area 0 2017 dec 12 inspecting problem area 1

Since June 2017, I have spent 5.0+ days on Marble Track 3.