Show Notes

Today in over 2 hours of live stream I took about maybe four or five frames I’m guessing. (only three!!)

Most of the time was spent working to make sure I get the Thirteenth Placed Outer Spiral Support aligned in the correct spot and marked to be cut in the correct place by G Choppy who still needs to fly over to it.

I rebuilt the support beams of the demonstration outer spiral where it arrives up above the lower portion of the triple splitter small feeder.

This way I can more easily measure to make sure that Reversible Guy is holding it in exactly the right place while the glue dries and G Choppy cuts it.

But first, as I mentioned G Choppy must fly over to that place in order to cut it.

The Thirteenth Placed Outer Spiral Support is being suspended by one of the metal bars above the set and G Choppy needs to use the other metal bar above the set.

He needs to slide along the bar but if he’s suspended by one point he tends to spin which is no good, so I made this:

It’s designed to hang on the metal rod above the set and then from its holes, two strings will hang down perpendicular to the rod so that G Choppy can be supported from each shoulder and will stop spinning as he follows along the rod as he’s hung by two strings instead of one.

I couldn’t use it in the filming this time because the rod has to fit underneath the upper glass shelf which is not visible in most camera views but the apex of this angled piece is too thick to fit between the rod and the glass above it.

So I’m making a thinner piece out of a popsicle stick and that glue is drying now while I’m eating lunch and composing this entry via voice transcription.

I’m the foreground of the set, Autosticks are making their way up to fix the Lower Zig Zag 2F which Pinky had discovered has some flaws.

In the middle of the stage Mr McGlue is turning toward el Lifty Lever to glue El BanderĂ­n once Mr Greene and Little Brother arrived there with those pieces.

Candy Mama is on the Snake Plate watching them as they walk by her.

Here are the frames I took in this first live stream today:

00010 002 11 X1 0345 00010 002 11 X1 0346 00010 002 11 X1 0347